Manowar | Fighting the World

Posted by Allister Fiend in ,

Manowar. I know they had quite the following overseas. There was a weird cult like following of Manowar in Eastern Iowa in the late 80's. I'm not sure how far out in the states it spread. Yes, I know we didn't have them all to ourselves but we were kind of in our own little hole in the earth.

I first stumbled across them on Headbangers Ball with the Blow Your Speakers video. The Fighting the World album became a must around the campfire keggers. Carry On was even voted as our class song in 1989...crazy, huh?
Blow Your Speakers (Video)

Carry On (Live 1987)

Fighting the World (Live 2007)


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The long haired kid in the small Iowa town. "I dove into the 80’s Hard Rock head first…literally. In 8th grade I started letting my hair grow. I’ll be honest, the intentions were for a rat tail. Remember those? One strip of long hair hanging off the back as the rest was short? Yes, the rat tail was going to be my first rebellion tool against my mother. Then I realized it could be so much more. It was 1984..." The rest of the story...